Dick Stigman
"Twins 1965 Opening Day"

I was listening to a recent Twins game on the radio and Dan Gladden mentioned the Twins 1965 Opening Day how a few players had to take a helicopter to get to Met Stadium because of the flooding so sent a request to Dick Stigman asking him to tell the story on a baseball about his rememberance of the event since he was one of the people on the helicopter and this is what I received:

"1965 was one of the snowiest winters on record. A fast melt caused extreme flooding. The Minnesota River separated 4 Twins players South of Met Stadium. The freeway 35W + most bridges were under water."
"Rich Rollins, Jim Kaat, Bill Bethea + myself lived in Burnsville. Mainly for publicity the Twins sent a helicopter to pick us up at the Burnsville High School and flew us to the parking lot at Met Stadium."
"I remember looking out of this "bubble" over a huge body of water... Scarey! 4/12/65 Twins Opener"

If you are not familiar with the event, here is a little more info.